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Is there a way to load custom js files in zed tables? I looked for an example in product-management.

UQGH1TNTX Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Is there a way to load custom js files in zed tables?
I looked for an example in product-management. There the js files are located in assets/js and are called in the footer_js part of the tempate. Unfortunately i get an not found error in console.
Is there a documentation or example anywhere?


  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Hi Sascha, I'm not sure if the next how-to solves your problem but recently there was a discussion internally on how to extend styles in Zed.

    1. Create a build.js file in your project containing your custom settings
    2. Add a script into your package.json pointing to build.js
      "scripts": {
        "zed": "node ./path/to/build"
    1. Add custom settings to the build.js file
     const oryx = require('@spryker/oryx');
    const oryxForZed = require('@spryker/oryx-for-zed');
    const myCustomZedSettings = Object.assign({}, oryxForZed.settings, {
      // your own settings
    oryxForZed.getConfiguration(myCustomZedSettings).then(configuration => oryx.build(configuration));
    // your own settings
    entry: {
        dirs: [
        patterns: ['**/Zed/**/*.entry.js'],
        description: 'looking for entry points...',
        defineName: p => path.basename(p, '.entry.js')