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hi, I have another one π I'm getting `Exception: Duplicate table found: spy_au

hi, I have another one π
I'm getting Exception: Duplicate table found: spy_auth_reset_password.
while running propel:install
I am currently trying to update the project to match spryker-shop/suite 1.7, and I might be getting this completely wrong, but it seems to me, that both spryker/auth (required) and spryker/user-reset-password (required by spryker/merchant-user) have this table in their schema, which causes the trouble
Did anyone have similiar problem or could point me what am I doing wrong?
the schemas are merged eventually by propel into one representation, so this is okay. This is also the way how you would extend the existing schemas, introduce new columns, etc.
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I see
what could be the reason for propel:instal trying to create same table again?0 -
never had that before, but theoretically the reason could be f.e. that propel have lost track of the current DB schema version (propel_migration table in your DB) and decided to run full migration again. But the table you had was already there
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Propel also canβt track if certain actions were done manually. F.e. you could have created a table somehow manually and then propel:install was executed
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or, youβve received a migration file after pulling from the repo that one of your collegues has generated. So you end up having 2 migrations that are trying to install the same table
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so any consistency loss between xml schemas + migrations + actual database schema
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I actally managed to "solve" this by removing user-password-reset, merchant-user and every package that requires one of those two from composer.json
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I end up with just src/Orm/Propel/Schema/spy_auth.schema.xml which contains spy_auth_reset_password declaration and everytihing is "fine"
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but I imagine, that once I restore my dependencies I end up with same error as before
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no, this should not happen. Can you confirm that after inclusion of the module and running βpropel:installβ you see the same table mentioned twice?
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sure, give me a minute
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I would suggest to check also your migration files
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Creating Database Adjust propel config for PostgreSQL and missing functions (group_concat) Clean schema directory Copy and merge schema files Build Propel2 classes Propel\Generator\Exception\EngineException - Exception: Duplicate table found: spy_auth_reset_password. in /data/shop/development/current/vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Generator/Model/Schema.php (298) Command: vendor/bin/console propel:install Trace: #0 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Generator/Manager/AbstractManager.php(438): Propel\Generator\Model\Schema->joinSchemas(Array)
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and I have two files with spy_auth_reset_password
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src/Orm/Propel/Schema/spy_user_password_reset.schema.xml0 -
interesting. Thanks for letting know, we will need to check that. Itβs not the only case where we have the same table mentioned several times in different modules where propel merges the schemas, but seem not in this case.
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hi guys, see the description https://github.com/spryker/auth
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the same for https://github.com/spryker/auth-mail-connector
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so make sure that you will remove
before starting usingsecurity-gui
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in https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/1.7/composer.json
I can seeauth
, but cannot seesecurity-gui
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"spryker/merchant-user": "^0.5.0", requires user-password-reset
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so correct me if I misunderstood you
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I cannot use spryker/auth and spryker/user-password-reset at the same time?
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Right. do you need merchant-user? I see the issue now.
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If you want to use
try to decrease the version ofmerchant-user
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