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Can someone explain the `BridgeConstructorArgumentTypehintsRule` (`\ArchitectureSniffer\Zed\Dependen
Can someone explain the BridgeConstructorArgumentTypehintsRule
By that rule, it's not legit to typehint the given parameter. As the bridge is an implementation, I think we should be allowed to expect a certain type of argument.
How else should we make sure, we map the right methods?
Hey Felix, “Bridge” is invented for Spryker core in order to loose the coupling between different modules. That’s why you see in almost every bridge f.e.
it helps you still to have an IDE autocompletion for dev needs, but doesn’t create a direct dependency between modules.
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The question I would ask is rather why do you have a problem with this rule first of all? Are you extending or introducing the bridge on project level?
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you might need to check the https://documentation.spryker.com/tutorials/howtos/ht-extend-inuse-core.htm:
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Hi Andriy,
thanks for your reply. You're absolutely right about not to use Bridges on project level. We're probably doing it wrong in this particular case, where it came up.0 -
no worries, that’s usually a first intention on the project. But since you know now - spread the knowledge 😄
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