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I have an issue with setting up multi store for my project. I have DE store as default one and I wan

I have an issue with setting up multi store for my project. I have DE store as default one and I want to add AT as well. I want to have the same products in the stores. Also I would prefer to use only one Zed url to now switching between admin urls (is it possible in general?) I want to use de_DE and de_AT locales for different stores. I have problem here then. For first I cannot use the same products names because it causes an issue with unique index in database when url is generated. I would use only de_DE for both stores in that case as you do in the b2c demoshop and in the documentation but it means I won’t have opportunity to have different names in future and the most critical part here I cannot change SEO data, because if I change the data for one store the data changed for both.
Store relation works good as always, but I don’t understand what to do with locales.
Also I’m not sure I completely understand why we need synchronizationPool option in stores.php.
Another point here. Generally I can update the url generation and I’m able to use it. Then I want to have one zed to manage the data. I turn on de_DE and de_AT locales for one store and can open zed and see two locales. And it means Yves for this store will also have two locales and the same urls can be used on Yves which is completely bad for SEO reasons.
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Hi, for the problem about same url for different locales u can overwrite the unique index in pyz level and add in the unique index the locale (it works).
About only one Backend to manage the data u can override the stores.php and check that if the application is ZED running, then add the other locales dynamically... these are then only visible and working in zed/backoffice and not in frontend..I had a project with 7 Stores and 5 Locales and i had the same problems.. I had a COM Store that has this configurations and we used only COM Zed to manage products etc... Try it and let us know if works still (the project was in 2018)
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@UL65CH0MC thank you a lot. I often see you answers in previous topic about multi stores 🙂
Yes, I also think about using locales only for Zed, the question is how to understand if Zed is running now. Do you know some best practice here?
About urls ofc it’s obvious how to manage it. I was upset there is no good solution out of the box. Especially when I realized that they use DE and AT stores in demoshop, but simply use the same locales to not have issues 😅
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just check env
is ZED or not. APPLICATION env wird gesetzt in Zed/Backoffice index.pxp bevor config and stores etcc... loaded0
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