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Hi, is it possible to put a mailhog in front of a spryker cloud dev / test environment for testing?
Hi, is it possible to put a mailhog in front of a spryker cloud dev / test environment for testing?
Spryker PaaS is using AWS SES where you need to verify emails prior to get it working.0 -
Or in case you will be using staging for e2e tests with random emails, we will need to request to remove sandbox mode from the account.
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I see you've created related support request.
Yes, it should be doable by you.
AWS -> SES -> Verified identities -> Create identity.Shall I process the list from the support request for you or will you do this yourself, @U01BZ7Q3XRV?
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@valerii.trots ah thanks, I will try it now. That would already be much better if we can add them ourselves π
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@valerii.trots ok I cannot completely test if it worked since I get a 500 error when creating an account in the backoffice. It could be related to the deployment, I already wrote Paramvir in an email before. But I did get an email and could verify my identity, so I guess the SES configuration probably worked
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ah ok, no. Now it worked. I Had to verify the email before I create the account π makes sense
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Exactly. There always will be 500 if the email isn't verified.
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ok, thanks π there are more errors, but now it seems to be infrastructure related
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