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@UJJQTT1QQ Could it be the case that has a h

@valerii.trots Could it be the case that https://github.com/spryker/oms/releases/tag/11.16.1 has a hard dependency to the patch version https://github.com/spryker/propel/releases/tag/3.34.2 caused by the commits https://github.com/spryker/propel/commit/f8fa58f9fc2e734507b773028c386bf89ec544a2 and https://github.com/spryker/oms/commit/d6cc889a6e846d08e5a423d36d44e41b38cd51ce that is missing in the composer.json of spryker/oms?
Even on the current release the spryker/oms only requires spryker/propel 3.28.0 (https://github.com/spryker/oms/blob/master/composer.json#L15).
In https://github.com/spryker/oms/commit/d6cc889a6e846d08e5a423d36d44e41b38cd51ce#diff-232e8ee31c4d6a1cf9132ba707d4[…]36420e8a3a13cd1fb545f2f9871c9L138 a new call to $this->commitIdentical()
was introduced, which is a method of the ActiveRecordBatchProcessorTrait
but only since spryker/propel 3.34.2.
So a patch version (spryker/oms 11.16.1) introduced a breaking change, because the spryker/propel constraint is too loose and to fix this a patch version would need a constrain to another patch version. I'm not sure if the clean solution, to set the right constraint from spryker/oms to spryker/propel is the best approach here, as it looks strange to have a patch version constraint. The alternative would be to revert the change in spryker/oms 11.16.1 and release spryker/oms with a new major including the change and at the same time releasing propel with a new minor on which spryker/oms can depend on.
@UQK3ZPJEN Might see another solution I don't see here.
For sure it can be fixed on project level by adapting the composer.json, but this is more a workaround for unclean constraints between core dependencies:
"spryker/propel": "^3.34.2"
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