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Hi! A question for you: Is a good idea to use in Zed part, dependency provider, plugin created in c
This is a not a great idea. In principal client are to be used on Yves with some exceptions (Redis client, queue client etc.)
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What is the use case for this?
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I have a plugin in client which use storage client. With that plugin must to remove items from quote transfer -> instantiate in CartDependencyProvider.
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@UKJKAFMMJ You can place the logic/coded which does the remove into the Shared namespace and have a plugin in Zed as well as in Yves which both extend the code from the Shared namespace.
Or you really build separate Plugins, as they could have slightly different dependencies.But one of the rules is, and I would suggest to follow it, that Zed should not know anything from Yves (no Yves namespaces in Zed classes) and vise versa.
Following this principle will allow you to stay lean in Yves and make sure it can be deployed independently from Zed.0 -
@UKJKAFMMJ this use case sounds a bit strange to me. It feels like the plugins was misused. I believe that you should have used cart expander (https://documentation.spryker.com/capabilities/cart/cart_functionality_and_calculations/cart-functionality.htm?Highlight=expander) to manipulate cart. In the end it is a business logic and this belongs to the Zed.
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Understand! I will see what I can do π
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@UKJKAFMMJ Maybe cart pre reload plugins will be useful: \Pyz\Zed\Cart\CartDependencyProvider::getPreReloadPlugins
E.g. plugin which removes from cart products without prices: \Spryker\Zed\PriceCartConnector\Communication\Plugin\FilterItemsWithoutPricePlugin
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