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Hello all, can someone please advise me on the right way to add helper files in the modules? For ex

Hello all,
can someone please advise me on the right way to add helper files in the modules? For example adding a MyModuleHelper.php with static helper functions in a module named MyModule. How would you do that? Thanks in advance, Sven
Build a service for that and get it as a dependency where ever you use it. Calling something with static will make it hard to test and couple all using modules to exact these helper implementation.
An example for a service would be the
If your "helper" is only used inside the module it is part of create a class and inject it were needed into the constructor through the factory:
<?php namespace Pyz\Zed\YourBundle\Business; interface HelperInterface {} class Helper implements HelperInterface {} class Using { public function __construct(HelperInterface $helper) { $this->helper = $helper; } public function doSomething() { $this->helper->doSomething(); } } class YourBundleBusinessFactory { public function createUsing() { return new Using($this->createHelper()); } public function createHelper() { return new Helper(); } }
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If you use a service your factory just looks a little different as you need to get the dependencies from the dependency provider:
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Thank you very much @UL6DGRULR that helps a lot
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