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Hello, one question regarding deploy file reference. In
one question regarding deploy file reference.
In https://documentation.spryker.com/v3/docs/en/deploy-file-reference-version-1-201907 there is no mention of assets
and composer
keys which are defined in https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/deploy.yml for example.
Is there any documentation on how should it be used and which options are available?
Just to sure: I see your link is a bit different from what I have found: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/deploy-file-reference-10
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we do aware of this issue that sometimes you can arrive at the older version of the article. For now if you see a βversionβ in the URL - try to find this article via the search, there might be more actual version
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Thank you for the info. I see that, when following your link,
section is present, but still i am missing theassets
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might be missing for now, true! Do you have maybe a concrete question, so that someone could help you even before the doc will be released?
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we noticed that development mode is used during the build process on our production environment. This is leading to assets not being built for production env (no versioning for example because production config was not used). We investigated it a bit and found out that there is additional
section indeploy.yml
so now i am wondering if this will solve the problem we have. Also what doescompression: gzip: static: true level: 5
mean? Should we keep it like this or can it be left out. Does it have any impact on built assets and how they should be included in the project?
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cc @ULYHPR789
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Documentation is still WIP.
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section is responsible for 2 things:β’ Building assets
β’ Frontend image
If you use docker/sdk frontend image,assets: compression:
will impact on nginx rules. If you do not use you can skip or neither leave the section.0
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