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Hello! I'm trying to extend some Zed GUI js code, so I did the following: 1. Created a new entry poi

U01DE320SN6 Posts: 37 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello! I'm trying to extend some Zed GUI js code, so I did the following:
1. Created a new entry point of extension-init.entry.js
2. Built the solution, made sure that new bundle is available via the corresponding endpoint
Now, I want to somehow to include my new asset file to the Zed layout @Gui/Layout/layout.twig :

<script src="{{ assetsPath('js/extension-init.js') }}"></script>

Is there any way to do that without copying all the entire contents of vendor's src/Spryker/Zed/Gui/Presentation/Layout/layout.twig to a new layout file, which I'm trying to avoid to make sure that new versions of Gui module wouldn't conflict with my old code? Or maybe there's any other option for me to include the block of html on every Zed page?


  • Yuriy Gerton
    Yuriy Gerton Front End Technical Lead Sprykee Posts: 49 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Try to extend the template.

    {% extends '@Spryker:Gui/Layout/layout.twig' %}
    {% block init_js %}
        {{ parent() }}
        <script src="{{ assetsPath('js/extension-init.js') }}"></script>
    {% endblock %}

    Don’t forget to clear the Twig cache.