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Howdy folks, I'm having an issue with the AWS setup for one of our clients. I went to

Howdy folks, I'm having an issue with the AWS setup for one of our clients. I went to https://spryker.force.com to file a Hosting Change Request but it requires me to log in. Since I don't have an account and it seems impossible for me to find a sign-up form I would really appreciate some help with that. Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance
Good evening
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since you are a partner, you should have access to the partner portal, were you have the same functionality
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@U01T075RRHD you can DM me if you want to know what account is set up for you
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Thanks for the late night response. I really appreciate your help. I'll try to figure that out tomorrow morning and would get back to you directly in case I still have issues. Would that be okay with you?
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sure thing
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Perfect, thanks
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If this turns out be urgent or priorities change, you can still use the request form, even though the description will tell you otherwise π but hosting change requests are generally now behind login for security reasons
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Fortunately for me, it is not urgent and it can wait until tomorrow
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