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Trying to update to shop-suite 1.7, but getting this: ```vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources Co
Trying to update to shop-suite 1.7, but getting this:
vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources Code bucket: AT | Store: AT | Environment: demobrand Elastica\Exception\ResponseException - Exception: Validation Failed: 1: mapping type is missing; in /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Transport/Http.php (182) Command: vendor/bin/console search:setup:sources Trace: #0 /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Request.php(181): Elastica\Transport\Http->exec(Object(Elastica\Request), Array) #1 /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Client.php(521): Elastica\Request->send() #2 /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Client.php(556): Elastica\Client->request('at_page/_mappin...', 'PUT', Array, Array) #3 /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Index.php(638): Elastica\Client->requestEndpoint(Object(Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\PutMapping)) #4 /vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Mapping.php(170): Elastica\Index->requestEndpoint(Object(Elasticsearch\Endpoints\Indices\PutMapping)) (...)
did anyone hit this before?
Hey @UK5DS29L2 seems like issue in ES version
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yeah, that's what I think, yet, I cannot find any config that would say which is not supported
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https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk#supported-services seems to mention 5.6 is ok
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and that's exactly what I have
# apt search elasticsearch | grep 'installed' elasticsearch/stable,now 5.6.16 all [installed]
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@UR1QYK8MC just tried with 7.x, same issue. Seems I'm still missing some config I cannot see
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Please check this comment, might help you
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Not really, but thank you. Will have to try figure this out another way
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