Error when using an entity from Propel



  • U02P7B6K2LC
    U02P7B6K2LC Posts: 121 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Hey @florian.scholz thank you! I fixed this yesterday by copying a Schema file from the core and changing the values… the only difference was adding:

    <parameter name="store" required="false"/>

    to the <behavior name="synchronization"> node:

    <behavior name="synchronization">
        <parameter name="resource" value="message"/>
        *****<parameter name="store" required="false"/>****
        <parameter name="key_suffix_column" value="fk_hello_world_message"/>
        <parameter name="queue_group" value=""/>

    After that it seemed to work!

    I updated the docs and made a pull request on the tutorial. But I will revert and test your solution… perhaps your solution is better overall?

    Let’s see! 🙂

  • U02P7B6K2LC
    U02P7B6K2LC Posts: 121 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet