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Hello, I have a component that contains both an ajax-provider and an ajax-loader. During the initia

Hello, I have a component that contains both an ajax-provider and an ajax-loader. During the initialization of the component, I fetch the data via the ajax-provider (and once loaded update the DOM). My problem now is that the ajax-loader is not yet mounted, and thus does not show the loading spinner when the ajaxProvider.fetch
is called.
I'm looking for a way to perform the fetch only once the ajax-loader component was mounted.
I thought of some possible solutions, but I lack some understanding to realize them:
• ajaxLoader.addEventListener('mounted', () => performMyAjaxCall());
I figured there has to be an event that is triggered once a component is mounted, however I didn't find such an event.
• Is there a way to specify the order in which components are mounted? Can I specify that the ajax-loader should be mounted before my custom component? Also, here I'm not quite sure if there are 2 ajax-loaders on the page is it one component mount or two?
A solution that works, is to retrieve the ajax-loader and then call ajaxLoader.mountCallback
, but this seems like it's a suboptimal.
I'm grateful for any help,
best regards,
module has amount()
method that ensures all components are mounted and ready to use.
You can check an example of usage
https://github.com/spryker-shop/quick-order-page/blob/master/src/SprykerShop/Yves/[…]fault/components/molecules/quick-order-form/quick-order-form.ts0 -
Hey Yuriy, thanks for the reply. I'm aware of that method, I was just wondering if calling it mounts the components another time. But I assume it doesn't, so components only get mounted once even if mount is called multiple times?
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Yes, it only calls unmounted components.
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