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Hello everyone. Does anybody know an easy way to open the local Yves frontend on another device? I w

Hello everyone. Does anybody know an easy way to open the local Yves frontend on another device? I would like to test my current local implementation on my phone. Perhaps I can access the frontend through a particular port? Or maybe there is a way to forward the yves url? Thank you very much in advance for your help .
https://ngrok.com/ is simple tool who forwards your local port to an autogenerated domain which is accessible from the internet.
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What exactly would you like to test? Maybe chrome devtools can be a solution here?
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@UL6DGRULR thank you for the suggestion. The frontend is only accessible through the "yves" url (http://yves.de.spryker.local) as far as I know, not a "localhost" port. So I am not sure ngrok would help here.
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https://ngrok.com/docs#http-host-header may solve this issue
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@UKJSE6T47 for my tests I need the mobile browser, I want to test the behaviour with the url bar, which hides and shows when you scroll.
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But Andriy is right, https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/remote-debugging/local-server/ should work as well.
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@UL6DGRULR connecting my Android device to my Mac laptop is another ordeal. π . But your solution with ngrok rewriting host-header worked π. Thank you so much!
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@UKJSE6T47 thank you for your suggestion as well. I didn't understand at the beginning that you meant forwarding the port on Chrome.
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And I didnβt understand that I meant the port forwarding on Chrome until now too (I only meant responsive part), so thanks to @UL6DGRULR π will keep that one in mind
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