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Before running `docker/sdk up`, you need to run `docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.yml`.
Thanks @UP8T3GKFH It works.
After store creations, when I try to access the store, It shows following error on frontend.
Fatal error: Uncaught Spryker\Shared\Kernel\CodeBucket\Exception\InvalidCodeBucketException: CodeBucket "SG" is not a valid option!
Do you happen to know where I should look to fix this error?
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You also have to update your
and add your stores ingetCodeBuckets()
if you want to use store specific overrides.
Documentation Code-Buckets0 -
Thanks @UP8T3GKFH . It works. Now frontend is loading but seems still something is missing or causing some error because backoffice for new store is showing blank page and on frontend, all labels are showing untranslated names.
If I check docker's error_log, I can see following warning & error:
[26-Apr-2022 10:06:40] WARNING: [pool worker] child 10 said into stderr: "sage":"file_get_contents(/data/public/Backoffice/errorpage/5xx.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory","code":0,"file":"/data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorRenderer/WebHtmlErrorRenderer.php:61","trace":["/data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorRenderer/WebHtmlErrorRenderer.php:61","/data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorRenderer/WebHtmlErrorRenderer.php:39","/data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorHandler.php:62","/data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorHandlerEnvironment.php:82"]}}}"
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Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this error, so I can't help you from a distance. Are you using the Suite or the B2B/B2C demo shop?
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B2b Store docker installation. New store urls are also showing up in spryker.locall dashboard but stores are empty and lables are showing untranslated version.
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Docker/sdk up is running without errors? The scheduler ist running for all stores?
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Yes scheduler is running all stores. Docker up is also working. Not able to access backoffice for new stores and frontend labels are broken. When I try to access the backoffice, it shows blank page.
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I tried to create two stores (SG, MY) under APAC, same as we have two stores (DE,AT) under EU.
I simply copied and changes the name. I have not set separate database for two new APAC stores.
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What procedure do you follow to create new store?
I have created yml set in deploy.yml file and in stores.php created store arrays. Also defined codebucket in config files, created full_APAC.yml under data/import/local
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The procedure seems okay. We put every store in his own region, because we won't have shared persistance databases. And that could be the trigger for your problems, i could imagine. π
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Thanks @UP8T3GKFH! Will try with separate db. π
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