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heya any thoughts here: inside docker/sdk cli ```╰─$ console cache:class-resolver:build Store: US |
heya any thoughts here:
inside docker/sdk cli
╰─$ console cache:class-resolver:build Store: US | Environment: docker.dev Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between Pyz\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\ContentBannerWidgetFactory::createContentBannerTwigFunction(Twig\Environment $twig, string $localeName): SprykerShop\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\Twig\ContentBannerTwigFunction and SprykerShop\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\ContentBannerWidgetFactory::createContentBannerTwigFunction(Twig\Environment $twig, string $localeName): Twig\TwigFunction, because class SprykerShop\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\Twig\ContentBannerTwigFunction is not available in /data/src/Pyz/Yves/ContentBannerWidget/ContentBannerWidgetFactory.php on line 23
<?php /** * This file is part of the Spryker Commerce OS. * For full license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Pyz\Yves\ContentBannerWidget; use Pyz\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\Twig\ContentBannerTwigFunction; use SprykerShop\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\ContentBannerWidgetFactory as SprykerContentBannerWidgetFactory; use SprykerShop\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\Twig\ContentBannerTwigFunction as SprykerShopContentBannerTwigFunction; use Twig\Environment; class ContentBannerWidgetFactory extends SprykerContentBannerWidgetFactory { /** * @param \Twig\Environment $twig * @param string $localeName * * @return \Pyz\Yves\ContentBannerWidget\Twig\ContentBannerTwigFunction */ public function createContentBannerTwigFunction(Environment $twig, string $localeName): SprykerShopContentBannerTwigFunction { return new ContentBannerTwigFunction( $twig, $localeName, $this->getContentBannerClient() ); } }
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hm… maybe the composer install wiped out the SprykerShop?
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why did it do that… ?
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that's the first time I see return type declared as alias
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also doc block doesn't match method signature
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please check version of spryker-shop/content-banner-widget, looks like you got wrong version installed
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either downgraded version or class removed from newer version
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cool that makes sense
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yup it's not available in latest release https://github.com/spryker-shop/content-banner-widget/tree/master/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ContentBannerWidget/Plugin/Twig
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Cool cool, we’ll see how that goes, thanks!
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yup alright, this was fallout from me thinking you could nuke the composer.lock file and everyone would be happy. brash assumptions from non-composer worlds.
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