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Hi Spryker, here `vendor/spryker/publish-and-synchronize-health-check/src/Spryker/Zed/PublishAndSync
Hi Spryker,
here vendor/spryker/publish-and-synchronize-health-check/src/Spryker/Zed/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck/Persistence/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckPersistenceFactory.php
there is a typo error... Class not found.. wrong use statement.
Thank u!
Fyi: @valerii.trots
Thanks, will check it tomorrow.
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which class?
if from this namespaceOrm\Zed\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck\
you need to executepropel:install
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@UKBTMFXMJ did u seen the content of the file???
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see it right now
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first use statement...
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used then in the return of the function..
the right ORM Class start with Spy...
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try please to remove all orm class and re-run propel:install.. i dont think that the classes are there (they without Spy at the start of name)
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that was renamed in xml schema (of course) but the old ones committed & pushed in suite...
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I see
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in suite there is no BC (when we run test etc..) but in customer project via composer update then I have a BC
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thanks @UL65CH0MC!
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U see.. it happened as said.. the developer at first named the entity without Spy in propel xml schema and generated the orm class.. then he renamed with Spy but he has committed/pushed both and use the old use statement in factory..
U are welcome!
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Maybe u can help me to understand another problem that I have with P+S Health Check..
I executed every project changes as here https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/pull/798/files but i got an error when i call the health-check in zed
doc id publish-and-synchronize:search:health-check not found
I see that in
table is one row written... but _search and _storage tables are empty... and i don't see any event in queuepublish.publish_and_synchronize_health_check
.I missed smth to migrate/update on pyz level?
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maybe i found it.. i had the job event-trigger-timeout disabled (for testing purpose) in jenkins scheduler and of course the created/updated entities events has not consumed and therefore no events etc...
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events are now consumed... i have one row written in _search and _storage table... everything was synced but i have the same error when i try to call the zed health check page... I have to investigate in deeper what is the problem...
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I found @UKBTMFXMJ there is another error
the key generated in _search table and used as document id in Elastica is
but here\Spryker\Shared\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckSearch\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckSearchConfig::PUBLISH_AND_SYNCHRONIZE_HEALTH_CHECK_SEARCH_ID
is configuredpublish-and-synchronize:search:health-check
Ok, i can override on Pyz level, but it should be fixed in core too 😉
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the same happend for storage.. key and check key configured are not the same...
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