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Hello guys. My Glue API endpoint action returns ```{ "data": [ { "type": "test-main",

Hello guys. My Glue API endpoint action returns
{ "data": [ { "type": "test-main", "id": null, "links": { "self": "https:\/\/glue.int.zf.local\/test-main" } } ], "links": { "self": "https:\/\/glue.int.zf.local\/search?term=product-name-en_us23&itemsPerPage=24&country=DE&locale=en_US" } }
Whereas I want it to return
{ "data": { "type": "test-main", "id": null, "links": { "self": "https:\/\/glue.int.zf.local\/test-main" } } }
Here is the code in the action:
public function getAction(RestRequestInterface $restRequest): RestResponseInterface { $restResourceBuilder = new RestResourceBuilder(); $restResource = $restResourceBuilder->createRestResource('test-main'); $restResponse = $restResourceBuilder->createRestResponse()->addResource($restResource); return $restResponse; }
Can someone please advice?
your request uri probably lacks resource id part. What you probably do is
which is interpreted as a collection request which always results in an array returned in the response even if there is only one resource in it.0 -
@UQKSAARKN Can you please elaborate? This is my Glue Endpoint GET {{glue-domain}}/search?term=product-name-en_us23&itemsPerPage=24&country=DE&locale=en_US
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In Glue the url structure is limited and is interprerted in the following way:
where βfooβ and βbarβ are resource names, and βfooIdβ and βbarIdβ are resource ids.
Any request to
is interpreted as a collection request (since you are not asking for a specific resource by id), resulting in the response you are getting.0 -
@UQKSAARKN Thank you very much that explains a lot
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@UQKSAARKN Is there a way to force a non-collection response in glue?
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There is no config to allow controlling this in the old infrastructure (which I see you are using - judging by usage of the
). New infra allows handling get and getCollection separately, so if you are using that on the project, it might make sense to try it out.As a workaround for your case, I would suggest to change the URL you are using to something like
. Thus you will get the ID you want to have. Also in this solution you can benefit from more traditional HTTP codes (like 404 in case the name is not found), which would not be possible for the collection requests as collection can be empty and itβs still 200.0 -
@UQKSAARKN Thank you π
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