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Hi ! I am newbie here , i tried installing Docker + Ubuntu spryker B2C demo shop f

Hi ! I am newbie here , i tried installing Docker + Ubuntu spryker B2C demo shop follwoing the spryker quick install documentation .. my question is after completing all the steps how to start spryker in browser? because in the documentation the last step provides link to start spryker in browser is not working.
Maybe https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CKJRJM5FG/p1666783961668799?thread_ts=1666776110.633599&cid=CKJRJM5FG will help you.
Probably you just missed to add the domains to your /etc/hosts (this is shown in the output of thedocker/sdk boot
command, but can easily be missed)0 -
Thankyou. I will try with solution.π
0 -
β’ I added the host files and again run docker/sdk up and now its showing this. even after ignoring this i tried to open Storefront:
Back-Office:[backoffice.de](http://backoffice.de).spryker.local but its not working
0 -
With a more complete error message it would be more helpful as I can't even guess what the issue is by the screenshot.
It seems like the
failed, this is the one that executes theconfig/install/<environment>.yml
file, which is basically a list of commands to execute. I assume one of those commands failed.0 -
Error - Exception: Class 'Orm\Zed\PriceProduct\Persistence\Base\SpyPriceTypeQuery' not found
in /data/vendor/spryker/price-product/src/Spryker/Zed/PriceProduct/Persistence/Propel/AbstractSpyPriceTypeQuery.php (21)0 -
hey! now its not showing this error i just did docker/sdk down and docker/sdk up again.
0 -
Seems like
didn't run completelyRun
docker/sdk console propel:install && docker/sdk cli vendor/bin/install -r docker
or check manually thatsrc/Orm/Zed/PriceProduct/Persistence/Base/SpyPriceTypeQuery.php
exists and run onlydocker/sdk cli vendor/bin/install -r docker
if it exists0
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