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Examprep Hi Everyone I need to know while creating a new module in Zed 1. I create

Hi Everyone I need to know while creating a new module in Zed
1. I created 2 different files in " src/Pyz/Zed/MyModule/Business " for Facade and Factory
named as Facade.php and Factory.php
2. Now i created a MyModule folder inside Business, Now I want to perform string reverser do i have to create another file inside " src/Pyz/Zed/MyModule/Business/MyModule "
I am bit confused here
Your Facade should be named MyModuleFacade.php and Factory should be named MyModuleBusinessFactory.php. You do not need to make a 'MyModule' folder inside the Business folder. Please refer to this link for the step to step tutorial guide https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/introduction-tutorials/tutorial-architectural-walkthrough-spryker-commerce-os.html#b[β¦]g
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Hi @U048WDEP3R7 I rename my file as you mentioned
In MyModuleFacade.phppublic function createStringReverser() { return new StringReverser(); }
In MyModuleFactory.php
public function reverseString($originalString)
return $this->getFactory()
}Now to reflect changes in
do we need to run any CLI0 -
The documentation is not updated. mysprykershop URL won't work if you are running Spryker locally via docker. Can you please tell me how are you running Spryker on your machine?
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Hi, @U048WDEP3R7 I am running Spryker on Docker, can you tell me what step I am missing?
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Hello, yes of course I can try. Can you please post a screenshot of the directory structure of your module with all files in it?
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Attaching each file's content ,Please let me know if you need more details
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Thanks for sharing. I assume the problem is you cant access the controller via a URL, right?
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Please go to http://backoffice.de.spryker.local/examprep and see if you see your controller
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Yes, we are not able to access the controller via URL, I go to the link it gives Error 404 attaching the screenshot
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Please try running
docker/sdk console cache:class-resolver:build
anddocker/sdk console cache:empty-all
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and it should be http://backoffice.de.spryker.local/examprep not http://backoffice.de.spryker.local/Examprep
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actually, I tried both URLs
I run the above commands, it gives the error FacadeNotFoundException0 -
@U045KD44L7L this is a sign that your route is working. but some how your Facade is not being resolved. Can you please confirm if your
folder is inside thesrc/Pyz/Zed
directory?0 -
The path of this facade should be
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If this is your folder structure for a Zed module, the path is wrong. Your Zed module should be in
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- I re-checked the path and it's similar to what you have mentioned in response,
- Examprep and Facade file folder also looks fine as you mentioned
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@U045KD44L7L Can you please send me another screenshot with the file structure inside the src folder showing your project files?
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Yes @U048WDEP3R7, please have a look at the screenshot I've included.
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Thanks. I am not sure whats wrong as it looks fine to me in the screenshot. Maybe
can fix it?0 -
Thanks, @U048WDEP3R7 for the support π
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@U045KD44L7L You are welcome. I hope it worked for you.
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