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is there a way to access spryker cloud instances via ssh? i have a strange behaviour, which does onl

is there a way to access spryker cloud instances via ssh? i have a strange behaviour, which does only occur on cloud instances, not on local environment, logs are empty, and i am planning to add some debug echos in the sourcecode, to get that issue solved
I did not try it myself yet but I think you can ask the support to configure ssh access. Also I made some good experiences using the normal logger functionality where you can add structured data (as an array) which then is also displayed in the cloudwatch logs
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There is no way for you to get inside containers, sorry.
So if there is a problem, we will need to go inside containers in your favor and check if there are any php error logs, OOM killer logs or alike.
Everything else should have been logged into cloud watch.0 -
hi @valerii.trots! is there a way to debug api responses from zed?
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w/o shell exec to containers
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I'm not sure TBH.
@U0231CGMF46 how would you approach to such a problem without an access to the container?0 -
blackfire or something similar?
it depends on symptoms0 -
current issue: we are using offlinepayments (invoice). in payment step the customer just selects "invoice" and comes to the summary page. this works fine on local env. but on cloud instances the user is redirected via 302 to the payment step again w/o any error messsage or log message.
I want to debug the zed response to find any hints what went wrong0 -
Did you try locally with same deploy file as in the cloud (but either with local endpoints or with real endpoints mapped to localhost in /etc/hosts)?
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deploy.yml/devploy.dev.yml, the differ in architecture, because i am running the m1 arc
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Please try with deploy.{customer}-{env}.yml and if the behaviour locally still ok, we would need to investigate that for you I believe.
Unless Valentyn has better ideas.0 -
ok, will check
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