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Hi, I have a problem with the new (product) label. The label is synced to redis, but not to the payl

I have a problem with the new (product) label.
The label is synced to redis, but not to the payload in elastic, hence it does not appear in Yves.
I have been trying to find the place in the code where to find it, but everything I checked does not seem relevant... and I am not sure if product-label:relations:update does trigger the sync correctly.
Can someone maybe give me a hint what to check?
How did you do the update? In Backoffice the correct events should be fired after saving the product (check rabbit queues). By import you have to trigger the event for the product abstract. You can do this with
vendor/bin/console publish:trigger-events -r product_abstract -i [ID of your Abstract]
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Based on your implementation you can also check the spy_product_label_product_abstract table.
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tried it myself,
places the database entry andvendor/bin/console publish:trigger-events -r product_abstract_label
should bring it to frontend0 -
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The tables were ok, I also triggered both events you suggested, so I already went down the same path ๐
Solution: the label had no store relations at all... redis is not store related, thus it was in redis, but not the elastic payload0
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