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Do you have an automized test execution for PRs into ? Lots o
Do you have an automized test execution for PRs into https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite?
Lots of tests failing for us. Example:root@ce2cc6a1857b:/data/shop/development/current# vendor/bin/codecept run -f -vvv -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/AlternativeProducts/
Throwing this error:
AbstractAlternativeProductsRestApiCest: Request abstract alternative products
Test RestApi/AbstractAlternativeProductsRestApiCest.php:requestAbstractAlternativeProducts
Step See response code is 200
Fail Expected HTTP Status Code: 200 (OK). Actual Status Code: 404 (Not Found) with the response "{"errors":[{"status":404,"detail":"Not Found"}]}"
Failed asserting that 404 matches expected 200.
This test is trying to GET a product via GLUE (concrete product 2057340392). This product exists in spy_product, but is not in spy_product_concrete_storage database - maybe thats the reason for failing test.root@ce2cc6a1857b:/data/shop/development/current# vendor/bin/codecept fixtures -vvv
is throwing 5 errors
Glue/Carts/RestApi/Fixtures/CartsRestApiFixtures.php:buildFixtures -> Return value of PyzTest\Glue\Carts\RestApi\Fixtures\CartsRestApiFixtures::createPersistentQuote() must be an instance of Generated\Shared\Transfer\QuoteTransfer, null returned
We like to know if tests inside https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite are executed and running? Thanks!
Actually, I have submitted this as an issue at support.spryker.com didn't get a solution yet, but I believe I'll have to wait till the new year until everyone are back from the break
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Yes, we have tests for
- https://travis-ci.org/spryker-shop/suite.0 -
Great, thanks. Will compare your build steps to figure out our local issue.
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