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Hi everyone, I ran into a rookie problem trying to upgrade spryker-feature/product-labels from 20200

Hi everyone, I ran into a rookie problem trying to upgrade spryker-feature/product-labels from 202001.0 to 202009.0. After upgrading, console propel:model:build
will run into the exception: Spryker\Zed\SynchronizationBehavior\Persistence\Propel\Behavior\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException - Exception: SpyProductLabelDictionaryStorage uses mutually exclusive "store" and "queue_pool" synchronization attributes.
Here's the section build log:
I did work through https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/mg-product-label as far as I could (since the dev environment is not running, I couldn't run the database modifications) and my guess is that the problem in fact comes from my configuration, but I am at a loss figuring out what causes it.
Comparing the generated SpyProductLabelDictionaryStorage
to the b2b-demo-shop, I can say that at least the used method coming from the generator is the same.
I'd appreciate any tips how to troubleshoot this issue. Thank you in advance!
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
in some mergedschema
file you may have both “store” and “queue_pool” attribute, but only one is allowed. Please look into your project specific schema files if this creates the conflict0 -
Good Morning, @florian.scholz,
Indeed. The spy_product_relation_storage.schema.xml and spy_product_label_storage.schema.xml were the culprit.
My mistake was that I was focussed on the PHP files when troubleshooting this and did not look into the schema files.
Thank you!
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Glad to help 🙂 Have a nice start into the week 🚀
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Thanks, you too!
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