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Hello. Can I do this on Yves category/edit?id-category=2 ?

Can I do this on Yves category/edit?id-category=2 ?
No, editing a category is an action which should be done in Zed and the specific action you ask for is therefore only implemented in the Zed backend (see \Spryker\Zed\Category\Communication\Controller\EditController)
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Ok, Thanks
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How I can get url category in Zed ?
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What do you mean by
How I can get url category in Zed
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I need get url by IdCategory
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categoryFacade->read(33) example return null in url key
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SELECT * FROM spy_url WHERE fk_resource_categorynode = 33;
Will show you in the database if there is an url set for your category.
Because urlβs are linked against category nodes it might be the case that your category id is not equal to your category node id.If this query does not return anything, I assume that during the import/creation of this category no URL was generated/imported, so this would be my next step to check
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Wich facade is this?
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Or I need use queryContainer?
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You need to go directly into the database (see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/connecting-to-a-database.html on how to connect using PHPStorm) to execute the query above.
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I find this data in Db π How I need right get them from there π
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src/Spryker/Zed/Url/Business/UrlFacadeInterface.php - in here all methods what I need is deprecated
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In \Spryker\Zed\Category\Business\Model\CategoryReader::findCategoryById it executes post reader plugins, which will add data from other modules (like URL) to the category transfer object.
But as far as I can tell there is no such plugin which will expand the category node with the according url.So you can write such a plugin which implements
or you use the deprecated methods of UrlFacade. I would suggest the first solution as it seems to be future prove.0
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