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Hi team Can you please give some referece how mocking works in spryker test cases?

Hi team
Can you please give some referece how mocking works in spryker test cases?
Depends what you want to mock?
and all other things you can do with PHPUnit.
Just instead of$this-><phpunit method>()
you need to call$this->tester-><phpunit method>()
as long as the base test class you extend is using the unit extension of codeception.Beside that you can mock factories, configs and faceds for every module using the provided test helpers from spryker: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/guidelines/testing-guidelines/available-test-helpers.html#testify-helpers
There are plenty of documentation parts available on testing and mocking in Spryker: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/guidelines/testing-guidelines/testing-concepts.html
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yes I am trying to mock unit tests
I have written following code in tester class:public function createUtility()
return new ImageUrlTemplatingUtility($this->mockGlobalConfigFacade());
In code, in above class,ImageUrlTemplatingUtility
have dependency injection of another module facade, I want to mock that.I am trying to do by
public function mockGlobalConfigFacade()
return Stub::make('GlobalConfigFacade', ['getGlobalCOnfigValueByKey' => '/files?p_Doc_Ref=#pictureRef#&p_File_Type=rendition_369_jpg']);
classbut it is giving error that
Stubbed class GlobalConfigFacade doesn't exist.0 -
It is done by making following change in code:
public function mockGlobalConfigFacade()
return Stub::make(GlobalConfigFacade::class, ['getGlobalCOnfigValueByKey' => '/files?p_Doc_Ref=#pictureRef#&p_File_Type=rendition_369_jpg']);
insead ofpublic function mockGlobalConfigFacade()
return Stub::make('GlobalConfigFacade', ['getGlobalCOnfigValueByKey' => '/files?p_Doc_Ref=#pictureRef#&p_File_Type=rendition_369_jpg']);
Please confirm whether it is correct way to do same.
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