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anyone knows where did `WebProfilerConstants` class go? it wasn't really marked deprecated, but then
was removed during your lastcomposer update
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Had today the same.
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do we know about the reason? π€
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So either
composer require spryker/webprofiler
or I don't know.0 -
No, @UJN2JRU4F, such question doesn't bother me as I'm not a developer. π
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well thing just wrecked my deploy, hence the question π it's still referenced in configs
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i have a project i started on tuesday and it still contains the class. must be very recent
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I'll ask internally then.
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@UK5DS29L2 is it suite or b2c\b2b demoshops?
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how did this impact you? π€
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it blocks deployment
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no i mean, how did he get suite changes into that project?
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as it throws exception about missing class in configs
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composer update?
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it's not suite changes
it's just composer update0 -
@UK5DS29L2 Spryker docker env?
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how old is the project?
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no docker
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by "how old" you mean when it was started?
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considering this is still here, I don't think it matters0 -
well the core problem why it does not install that class is because we use composer.lock (that's why we have it, right?) and unless you do
composer update --dev
then there's no way to get the require-dev installed0 -
so we can either:
- start keeping two composer locks for each env
- disable webprofiler at all (because I'd rather have code tested on dev on same package set that I want to push on production later)
- stop moving things between require and require-dev without earlier notice about it's deprecation π
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temporarily removed WebProfilerConstants from development config to make the deploy work
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BUT I believe you should also update
if it's only going to work in dev environment0 -
Not a beauty, but atm we are using
if (Environment::isDevelopment()) { $providers[] = new WebProfilerTwigLoaderPlugin(); }
as a workaround. So on staging production we don't have this dependency, so it won't get loaded0 -
but be aware its marked as deprecated now.
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