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Symfony toolbar gives an error 500 in Zed dashboard. After opening the URL in a new tab, I see that
Symfony toolbar gives an error 500 in Zed dashboard. After opening the URL in a new tab, I see that the URL differs from what we have in Yves:
Is your project started from
repo?0 -
According to the README.md, it was started from Spryker B2C Demo Shop. Anyway, most probably it was a caching problem, because after reinstalling from scratch (there also was some strange problem - console hanged up) and running console sync:data, the page has appeared. The only problem now is that it is visible only for the customers. Is there any documentation on how to make it visible for everybody?
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Sorry, from previous screenshots it's obvious that the project started from
. Haven't noticed.CMS page should be visible for anyone, not only to logged-in customers.
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ah, it's a topic about the toolbar... the problem with it has always been there, it hasn't disappeared...
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It could be misconfiguration - wdt is missed in ACL configuration:
// ---------- ACL $config[AclConstants::ACL_USER_RULE_WHITELIST][] = [ 'bundle' => 'wdt', 'controller' => '*', 'action' => '*', 'type' => 'allow', ];
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no, the configuration is there. also, as you can see from the screenshots and my message above, the problem is with the paths, not with ACLs. if remove cms-gui/edit-page/ from the path, it works.
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see the temporary fix here https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CKJRJM5FG/p1599229677037000?thread_ts=1599221383.035000&cid=CKJRJM5FG
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