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Hello everyone, I seem to have run into the Docker issue above. This seems to have done something w
Hello everyone,
I seem to have run into the Docker issue above. This seems to have done something with my Mutagen installation that now doesn't want to be reset, even with Compose v1. Any ideas?
β project [develop] docker/sdk prune --> DEVELOPMENT MODE Terminating forwarding sessions Terminating synchronization sessions stat /var/folders/lw/0zjrrcb110784wjyzts378dm0000gp/T/io.mutagen.compose.3883941212/mutagen.yml: no such file or directory
So internal guys fixed it in two ways: either rolling back to mutagen 0.12.0-beta2 or via updating macos to big sur.
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I'm already on Big Sur π
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Oh hang on... It seems like Docker hasn't taken my Compose downgrade... Will try again.
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I had this issue too. this was related to the docker compose beta version.
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Oh yes.. Now that I've actually got Compose v1 again, I run into this error:
Error: unable to locate requested sessions: specification "<customer>-dev-dev-codebase" did not match any sessions
I've done docker/sdk prune, boot and then up.
Mutagen is actually empty (I've removed all the sessions) but I don't get why it's not able to create another one?
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Which mutagen version are you using?
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This version did not work for me, I had to roll back to
. But I got a different error when using beta3, so I'm not sure if this might also work for you0 -
Hm. I'm sure I reset once since I updated π
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But I will try this later. Thanks
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Ok everyone, short update. The beta3 wasn't the issue. I think what helped me the most was to reboot the computer, actually.
Today I made sure that EVERYTHING was clean. No mutagen stuff setup, no docker container, images, volumes and no auto generated Spryker files including docker/sdk deployments.
After all this, my system is alive again.
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A few commands for the interested:
rm -rf vendor src/Generated src/Orm/Propel/Schema public/Yves/assets public/Zed/assets docker/sdk clean docker/sdk trouble mutagen sync list # check empty rm -rf docker/deployment/default/ docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml -v docker/sdk up -v Β
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