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Hey Spryks! We’re about to set up an AWS EC2 server to run our first Spryker “demo” to show our col

Hey Spryks!
We’re about to set up an AWS EC2 server to run our first Spryker “demo” to show our colleagues etc.
Is there any advice about what EC2 set up required for Spryker? What flavour of Linux is best? How many cores etc?
Many thanks!
https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/tutorials-and-howtos/howtos/howto-install-spryker-in-aws-environment.html seems to mention only Ubuntu
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I don't see a pros/cons list of different distros, it just takes Ubuntu as the default as far as I can see
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Cores: "More is better" I guess...?
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I suppose what would be interesting when you talk about cores is more of a benchmark overview of # cores versus performance to see where you really get diminishing returns. But I'm not aware of an overview like that.
Maybe @U027BLZSSS3 knows if we've done such a benchmark before.
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@U02P7B6K2LC will you run Yves and Zed together on one machine? will you host the database + Redis + Elasticsearch + RabbitMQ on separate instances?
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OS I'd also go with Ubuntu/Debian as it's probably most used in the Spryker community
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