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@UK5DS29L2 because spryker supports also one db setup
@UK5DS29L2 because spryker supports also one db setup
actually, one db makes sense. multiple ones don't since you cannot use different store sets per database and I GUESS they end up being duplicates of each other (which in my opinion doesn't makes much sense)
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I don't see any gain to provide different database names
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there's some limitations with one db setup, one of those is for example, that you cannot have different categs per different store, which we need
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it really depends on the requirements
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if you have separate caatalogs, prices etc per store than multiple DBs make sense
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yup, I agree, but in that case using separate code repos would probably make more sense than JUST different databases configs (unless both stores are handled by the same company who has exact same workflow)
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but anyways, I didn't really spot the categories cannot be divided per-store (thought initially root categories are meant for this) thank you @UK7TM6CQJ for pointing me at it
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you could split it by root, but then you need to handle this on the project level, to pick the right root per the right store
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@UKHD8KTMF catalog and prices you can split per store, in the same db setup
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