is the `mail_catcher` service behavior and usage documented somewhere?

is the mail_catcher
service behavior and usage documented somewhere?
I only know of this page here:
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I don't get how it works, on that page it has that custom_endpoints setting but in docker/generator/src/templates/env/common.env.twig it hard codes the host to mail_catcher
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I can't even override those in deploy.yml
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or disable the whole thing, how do I do that π
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you can test via forgot password or subscribe for the newsletter
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ah I misunderstood ... I thought you want to test it
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well that would be a good start
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as I see it the defaults cannot work
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it does work for me with almost the default dev docker setup, tested with both scenarios above
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subscribe to the newsletter with your email, it should popup in the mailhog inbox
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so now I need to figure out how to disable mailhog
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well or just give up since it works in the cloud env π
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so that doc is a bit misleading, you don't need that
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also if I need to test actual sending locally I would just use my own ENV variables in config.php
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I found this in the env files of the docker sdk
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I suppose you've either configure DSN for the corresponding provider available ( or create and register your custom provider
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Mail catcher is needed for the local development. Can be enabled or disabled via deploy file -
If you need to disable it, just remove it from the deploy file.
Don't forget to rundocker/sdk bootstrap {your_deploy_file}
each time you make changes there.
In our PaaS mail catcher isn't available OOTB as there is AWS SES in place.0 -
yeah I figured it out. Not the best documentation on that..
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