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Hello guys, we are experiencing a dead lock between merchant modules: `spryker/merchant-gui:3.2.0`,
Hello guys,
we are experiencing a dead lock between merchant modules:spryker/merchant-gui:3.2.0
, spryker-shop/merchant-switcher-widget:0.4.1
and merchant-relationship-gui1:1.6.0
packages require spryker/merchant-profile:0.2.0
(our current version and there is no updates for this package) requires spryker/merchant-profile ^0.1.5
Hi Neven, this sounds like an issue to be fixed. Could you please create support ticket via <mailto:support@spryker.com|support@spryker.com> or at http://support.spryker.com/?
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Thanks, got it.
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Also to mention, this is preventing us in applying security fixes from your latest security notes all the way through
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Noted, thanks. Will push try to push this through our development.
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Thanks 🤗
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Sorry, I took a look a bit earlier than our development. Should have done that from the beginning.
https://github.com/spryker/merchant-profile-storageDEPRECATED - This module is not continued at this point. Partially can be replaced by MerchantStorage together with MerchantProfile (see Spryker\Zed\MerchantProfile\Communication\Plugin\Merchant\MerchantProfileExpanderPlugin) module.
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ok, we will take a look
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