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Hello folks. Sorry for asking a stupid question: Is there some URL GET param filtering/sanitizing in
Hello folks.
Sorry for asking a stupid question: Is there some URL GET param filtering/sanitizing in YVES? I want to pass a custom parameter, but it constantly gets removed on page load.
Is there some Javascript running on page load removing your param?
Haven't had issues with custom query params so far...0 -
I indeed suspect some JS, most probably on form submission.
When modifying URL in B2C demo shop itβs working as expected. So, looks like some code on our side (that Iβm not aware of π).0 -
What page is it?
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Catalog page
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Have you checked your browser's network console? can see you see if there is a second page load or redirect?
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Yeah, no redirect or similar!
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If you suspect it to happen on form submission, have a look at the corresponding controller. Usually, you would make a controller return a redirect after the form has been processed successfully. This is to avoid users resubmitting the form, e. g. by hitting F5.
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