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Hey guys, we have atm the issue that the checkout is broken. We could reproduce it in your demo shop
Hey guys, we have atm the issue that the checkout is broken. We could reproduce it in your demo shop. Maybe you can take a look.
Problem 1: no recalculation for shipment expenses
Problem 2: same as 1 since coupon should not have shipment expenses
Problem 3: Fail whale
Thanks! Weβll double-check
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Hello @UK7KBE2JW. I'm sorry that you faced this inconvenience. We cannot reproduce it on our side. The re-calculation for shipment expenses seems to be ok (even with the same products you selected):
881.68 + 4.90 = 886.58 (β¬)
. No shipment costs as well for the gift card. Please try to re-deploy your environment locally and check it again. If it doesn't help, please provide us with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce this issue. You can also use https://spryker.com/en/support/ to report a bug or products issue. Thank you!0 -
Hey, thank you for checking it. Since we can reproduce it in the demo shop it is no need for us to redeploy it again. We faced the issue when we added the gift card stuff on local development but the problem appears even without it. We already fixed it for us and I think we can create a pr tomorrow.
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Thank you for the video @UK7KBE2JW. We will check the matter with the team. Once I have any news, I'll let you know
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Ok, thank you @U01KHQ3GETA
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Hello @UK7KBE2JW,
Sorry for the delay in our reply. We've released a new version of https://www.de.b2c.demo-spryker.com. Can you check it and try reproducing the issue, please?0 -
Hi, thx for the fix. The calculation seems fine but the fail whale is still available
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Thanks for the report, Julian! But next time please use our support portal to report such issues.
I was able to reproduce the problem you faced so I'm going to create internal ticket for our development team.
Unfortunately though, this seems to be a project level issue because it isn't reproducible in spryker-shop/suite. And this means that the issue will be there until the next release of the b2c-demo-shop.0
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