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Hello, we build our own frontend and use the category nodes via the GLUE API. To avoid many requests
Hello, we build our own frontend and use the category nodes via the GLUE API. To avoid many requests, our frontend developers use the root category IDs for the query. All child categories are delivered. If a value (for example the name) of one of the child categories is changed in the ZED, the output in the category nodes does not change. If the ID of the category is queried directly, everything is fine. If the parent category is queried, the children's entries are not updated.
What do we have to do so that the changes to a subcategory are also updated in the tree of the category nodes?
Hi Jan, I'll check this tomorrow. Maybe there is some issue.
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Hi Jan, I can't confirm the behaviour using latest
project. Whenever I change the category name and it's synchronized, I get the correct name using/category-trees
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Hi Valerii, i have actually test it with the latest spryker-shop/suite project. My example request were "http://glue.de.suite2020.local/category-nodes/5" If i now change the name of the category id 6 (which is a child of 5) and start the query again, the changed name is not displayed. If i query "/category-nodes/6" the right name is displayed. But the children categories in the "/category-nodes/5" tree were not updated.
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Hi Jan, yes, with
I'm able to reproduce the problem.
I'll create an internal ticket for our development team. If you wan't to be notified when it's fixed and released, please create a support ticket here - https://support.spryker.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.0 -
Hi @UP8T3GKFH, this should have been fixed in https://github.com/spryker/category/releases/tag/4.18.0.
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Hi @valerii.trots, many thanks for the hint.
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