Hi all , I am trying to start a custom container through my deploy.dev.yml file,
Hi all , I am trying to start a custom container through my deploy.dev.yml file, but I can’t really see any documentation/code relating this. Do you know if this is somehow supported? Or will it only start pre-defined services?
For that type of customisation, you would need to fork the docker sdk repo and add the new service there I think
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but, if you don't want to make use of the yml attributes and other features provided by docker sdk, and just want to add new service in docker-compose config file, it's possible to define a docker-compose override file in deploy.dev.yml
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docker: compose: yamls: - docker-compose.override.yml
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you can put this override file in project root and add your new service there
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Thanks! I somehow thought of docker like ‘configuration’ options 😄 This really makes my day!
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