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Hello Everyone, I am able to form table and render it also i am able to fetch data but still error "

U04TV8QP04C Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello Everyone, I am able to form table and render it also i am able to fetch data but still error "contact-data/index/table is not found" is showing in fetching data.


  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    Hey, have to defined your tableAction in the IndexController?

  • U04TV8QP04C
    U04TV8QP04C Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    i have defined already

  • U04TV8QP04C
    U04TV8QP04C Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    looks good to me. have you tried docker/sdk console cache:empty-all to regenerate the routing? If you did this before you added the tableAction but not after this could be the reason

  • U04TV8QP04C
    U04TV8QP04C Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    yes, i have done this before and after making tableAction

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    Can you show us your table-class?