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Good morning, I just ran a composer update on a clean b2c demoshop. The newly released spryker/acl
Good morning,
I just ran a composer update on a clean b2c demoshop. The newly released spryker/acl 3.4.0 seems to introduce some issues. vendor/bin/install fails on generate-transfer-databuilders due to missing type in acl.databuilder.xml.
after reverting composer.lock everything runs fine again
do you have error message from the log?
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I was able to reproduce but now will check once again with a clean installation.
Command generate-transfer-databuilders [vendor/bin/console transfer:databuilder:generate] (In progress...) Clean schema directory Copy and merge schema files Store: DE | Environment: docker Build Propel2 classes RuntimeException - Exception: Invalid databuilder config, missing key `type` for databuilder `GroupBuilder` in /data/vendor/spryker/transfer/src/Spryker/Zed/Transfer/Business/Model/Generator/DataBuilderDefinition.php (69) Command: vendor/bin/console transfer:databuilder:generate
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@UP58NR6BS the fix will be is on the way shortly. But it can take some time to be released.
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no hurry, I can workaround it without probs, just wanted to let you know.
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you can temporary fix it by adding
to `<property name="reference"
, or just remove this property on project level.
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will be the fix today released yet or not? we have also broken installation...
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It's in the queue to be released.
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ok Valerii, thanks
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