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Another question, how much efforts do you think is required to have a “multi-select” type of attribu

U011K6DASBW Posts: 37 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Another question, how much efforts do you think is required to have a “multi-select” type of attribute in Spryker? well the attributes are stored in JSON, so anything is possible from schema perspective I think, but would need to add this support in zed UI too


  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    I'm not sure if this is related to your question, but Spryker unfortunately doesn't support arrays in attributes - https://spryker.ideas.aha.io/ideas/CUSTIDEAS-I-11.

  • U011K6DASBW
    U011K6DASBW Posts: 37 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    yes pretty close, I know by default spryker doesn’t support it, so some customisations would be required, just want to know if something like this is done in any other project and if someone could give a rough idea about efforts