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Hello o/, we updated our dependencies. one of the dependency that has been updated was `spryker/disc

Hello o/,
we updated our dependencies.
one of the dependency that has been updated wasspryker/discount
from 9.11.0
to 9.11.3
Version 9.11.3
updated the dependency @spryker/jquery-query-builder
from ~2.5.2"
to ~2.5.2-spryker.1
requires jQuery.extendext
[2] but does not contain this dependency in the package.json
[3], like in the original package.json
due to this missing dependency our deployment is faulty and our zed ui backoffice is without any asset.
can someone help? what migration steps are needed to be done or can we create an bug ticket $somewhere?
thanks in advance
[1] https://github.com/spryker/discount/compare/9.11.2...9.11.3
[2] https://github.com/spryker/jquery-query-builder/blob/2.5.2-spryker.1/README.md
[3] https://github.com/spryker/jquery-query-builder/blob/2.5.2-spryker.1/package.json
[4] https://github.com/mistic100/jQuery-QueryBuilder/blob/2.5.2/package.json#L15
did u run frontend project install dependencies vor frontend build?
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@UL65CH0MC yes we did 🙂
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• vendor/bin/console frontend:project:install-dependencies
• vendor/bin/console frontend:zed:install-dependencies
• vendor/bin/console frontend:zed:build -e0 -
Ok. Did u already checked the group release of this update? Maybe as u said u need to add this dep in package json.
U have to check che package json of discount bundle. Maybe is there smth missing or they need smth not required in own package jsonUnfortunately I have now not the code to see
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It seems there is nothing useful - https://api.release.spryker.com/release-group/3280.
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we are using the php dependency
in version202009.0
one of the dependencies isspryker/discount: ^9.10.0
because of:
• caret version of this modulespryker/discount
• the patch level update ofspryker/discount
everything should work like a charm?thanks @valerii.trots for the link. I did not know this page
[1] https://packagist.org/packages/spryker-feature/promotions-discounts
[2] https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/versions.md#caret-version-range-0 -
do u use docker right? node_modules are not synced between host and container.. this can be probably one problem that u have... even if i mean only node_modules on root level is not synced..
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yes, we (my coworkers and me) all do use docker.
I called the commands in the docker container (via
docker/sdk cli
first). so there should be no sync needed and thus no sync problem, I guess.the problem with the missing dependency occures on multiple OSs.
• MacOS with Mutagen
• Linux (I think mainly ubuntu, but i am not sure)
• and also in our CI/CD with Debian (I am not 100% sure about Debian…)0 -
ok. i will take a look what version we use.. i ll come back to u..
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There are no problems at our CI, so I don't have anything to say. Except let's ask @UN6T8SEM7 or @UQRP02SP2 to take a look here.
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We use spryker/discount:9.11.3 too and we don't have this problem.
Can u please attach your package.json?0 -
• jQuery >= 1.10
• Bootstrap >= 3.1 (CSS only)
• jQuery.extendext
• doT.js (@master until the author decide to publish a new version)
• MomentJS (optional, for Date/Time validation)
• Other Bootstrap/jQuery plugins used by plugins
($.extendext and doT.js are directly included in the standalone file)(from documentation copy & pasted). it means that u dont need any extra requirement.. it shoudl already be there in jquery-builder
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that is what I tried to say in my initial message: I think the dependency is missing in the package.json, if you compare the original package.json from
or we do need to add the dependency manually to our project?
but I think its a bug in thespryker/jquery-query-builder
[3] <https://github.com/spryker/jquery-query-builder/blob/2.5.2-spryker.1/package.json> [4] <https://github.com/mistic100/jQuery-QueryBuilder/blob/2.5.2/package.json#L15>
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(@UL65CH0MC the standalone file you are linking is a built file, based on a package.json that contains the jquery-jquery-builder dependency. when building assets npm tries to (recursively) install all dependencies and build its own and doesn’t use any dist files)
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sorry, I did not see your request for the package.json.
here it is (attached)I thought the package.json should be independent to the zed modules and the zed modules define their own dependencies. 🤔
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I have the same problem for an installation of a legacy spryker project..
Product-Relation and Discount Zed Bundle failed to build ZED Frontend.The problem seems to be jquery-query-builder and sql-parser dependencies (git spryker deps) that npm install just not install (why!?? it is a myster).
@valerii.trots maybe some frontend dev can be helpful here to understand why it s happend this..
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Just checked, you are totally right - some dependencies are missed. We gonna fix it soon. Thanks for pointing into this issue.
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Would be nice if you could create a support case so we won't forget to notify you once it's fixed in case you need it.
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Has this been solved already?
Still getting this when using spryker/discount 9.17.0:ERROR in ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/node_modules/@spryker/jquery-query-builder/index.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'jquery-extendext' in '/data/vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/node_modules/@spryker/jquery-query-builder' @ ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/node_modules/@spryker/jquery-query-builder/index.js 5:0-27 @ ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/js/modules/libs/spryker-query-builder.js @ ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/js/modules/libs/sql-factory.js @ ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/js/modules/main.js @ ./vendor/spryker/discount/assets/Zed/js/spryker-zed-discount-main.entry.js ✘ build failed
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Hi @U01LKKBK97T,
looks like this is not solved yet.hi @valerii.trots, @UN6T8SEM7,
I don’t know how to create a support case.0 -
I think a fix should be pretty simple 😕
re-add the dependencies in the package.json here:
copied from here:
https://github.com/mistic100/jQuery-QueryBuilder/blob/dev/package.json0 -
There is an open PR to fix this issue. Unfortunately though I don't have any ETA for you here.
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