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I installed B2C demo shop. I want to connect to the (Postgresql) database. What are the credentials

U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
edited July 2020 in Help

I installed B2C demo shop. I want to connect to the (Postgresql) database. What are the credentials ? From a third-party applications (e.g. TablePlus.com)


  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice
    edited July 2020

    How have you installed? Docker or Vagrant?

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet


  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Then look into deploy.yml/deploy.dev.yml file. Usually it's spryker:secret.

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    From CLI you can connect using something like psql -h localhost -U spryker -d eu-docker.

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Docker should be running ?

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Yes, DB is running in a separate container.

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    In Docker do I have multiple containers ? One for Spryker B2C demo project. Other for Postgresql. Another for ... and so on ?

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Just run docker ps and you will see about 5-10 containers up and running.

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    88eb3ef46dfc mailhog/mailhog:v1.0.0 "MailHog" 5 weeks ago Up 10 minutes 1025/tcp, 8025/tcp spryker_b2c_dev_mail_catcher_1

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    up 10 minutes = it means than I started (only) 10 minutes before ?

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice


  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    And Postgresql is in another container or how could I now that is started or not (Postgresql) ?

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    docker/sdk up brings all containers up.
    It should look like at the attached screenshot.

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    docker ps then looks like this for me.

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Your output might vary as you probably followed installation guide and it suggest to use specific release of spryker/docker-sdk. And I'm using just latest master.

  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    I was in another folder ! πŸ˜“ Now I understand that I have to run docker in the project's folder (like git commands).

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice


  • U015E2QLADR
    U015E2QLADR Posts: 9 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
    edited July 2020

    I succeeded ! Thank you Valerii, a lot !

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    You are welcome!