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Good morning, is there any example of `groupBy`-queries? I tried the automatically generated functio
Good morning, is there any example of groupBy
-queries? I tried the automatically generated functions, but they have no effect on the result of the query. E.g:
public function findUniqueImportReports(): ObjectCollection { $query = $this->getFactory()->createImportReportRepository() ->groupByType() ->groupByErrorMessage(); return $query->find(); }
Adding count()
or max()
- selects unfortunately does not change the result either.
If you use PostgreSQL, Propel adds all columns in GROUP BY statement. So obviously it wonโt work as expected.
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By SQL standard, all non-aggregating columns must be added in GROUP BY.
MySQL does not follow it and does not require it. PGSQL does.0 -
And it is no good way to do it with Propel.
However, you can make the query like this:
$query = $this->getFactory()->createImportReportRepository() ->addSelfSelectColumns() ->clearSelectColumns() ->withColumn(sprintf('COUNT(*)')) ->select(['type', 'error_message']) ->groupByType() ->groupByErrorMessage();
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Perfect, thanks for the explanation.
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