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Hi, I need to call 3rd part api from zed and I'm thinking which approach will be better: 1. call 3rd
I need to call 3rd part api from zed and I'm thinking which approach will be better:
1. call 3rd part api directly from the Zed using for example Guzzle Http Client
2. implement communication with 3rd part api in Client module (also using for example Guzzle) and call Client from Zed
3. other?
Is Client designed for "internal" communication, around Spryker's ecosystem only, or can/should it communicate with 3rd part systems?
Hey Przemyslaw,
Normally we go for option 1.
However, youβre not forbidden to use Client for that too, especially in case when you need to re-use that functionality on Yves or Glue.
Client was originally designed for Yves and Glue to βtalk to the external worldβ - Zed, Session, KeyValue, Search, β¦0 -
Cases when Zed is using the Client are seldom and are rather exceptional.
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on one of the projects we had a need to access ES on Zed, making sure the search results are exactly the same as in Yves, and so we re-used Client for that. Worked perfectly fine for us.
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thanks! π So it's not specified and we can use both options, but if this communication is zed only specific, then probably better is to not use client, am I right?
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correct. If you see that this 3rd party will be called by Zed only, there is no need in additional layer/abstraction, like Client. You can have a module that would play somewhat an Adapter role, accepting transfer objects as requests and returning back transfer objects as a response
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and you would call it from the business logic where you need to
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ok, thanks π
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