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Hello, we’re facing an issue at the deployment pipeline with `console search:setup` , did anybody en
we’re facing an issue at the deployment pipeline with console search:setup
, did anybody encounter this error before?
There is a comment saying that empty mapping causes it, but I don’t know how to resolve it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Command setup-search for DE store [vendor/bin/console search:setup -vvv --no-ansi] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store: DE | Environment: docker.staging [info] Import mappings and settings for index "spryker-cloud_de_merchant". [2022-12-28T13:34:19.346671+00:00] Zed.ERROR: CLI command "search:setup" exception, message "class java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to class java.util.Map (java.util.ArrayList and java.util.Map are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')" {"exception":"[object] (Elastica\\Exception\\ResponseException(code: 0): class java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to class java.util.Map (java.util.ArrayList and java.util.Map are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') at /data/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Transport/Http.php:178) [stacktrace] #0 /data/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Request.php(183): Elastica\\Transport\\Http->exec(Object(Elastica\\Request), Array) #1 /data/vendor/ruflin/elastica/src/Client.php(517): Elastica\\Request->send()
unfortunately not, we forwarded the issue to the Spryker Support but we didn’t get any useful information on how to solve it.
The only thing I found is the comment regarding empty mapping: https://github.com/spryker/collector/blob/master/src/Spryker/Zed/Collector/Business/Exporter/Writer/Search/ElasticsearchMarkerWriter.php#L98
However, we’re currently not actively working on the issue, but if there is an update I’ll let you know.0 -
Hello @U03RBTQ64MC and thanks for your response. It looks like there was a version mismatch (elastic/search composer packages VS ElasticSearch Server) in oour case.
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Hi @UM0EZB9GT, thanks for your response, I’m glad it worked out for you!
Do you have more details on the change? Which versions did you use and which one have been up- or downgraded?
As with our setup, we have set elastic7.10
in the deploy file and in composer we use spryker/product-search5.17.0
with spryker/collector6.7.0
Thank you again!0 -
The problem was solved by a colleague but from what he told me, our deployfile was referencing the Elastic Version 6.8 whilst the code, migrations and the composer-packages concerning search were arranged to run against 7.0
0 -
Thank you 👍 I’m having a closer look to the versions, we did an upgrade lately and it might be possible that some package versions are still wrong.
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