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Can anyone help me to understand second step

Can anyone help me to understand second step https://github.com/spryker/spryker-docs/blob/master/docs/scos/dev/back-end-develop[…]estion/structural-preparations/extending-the-database-schema.md ?
In the second step here, you can add columns to extend the table. Perhaps this documentation https://propelorm.org/Propel/reference/schema.html would help you get familiar with Propel schema definition.
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@U02NPALT127 - Can we change spy_product_table to some custom name like ab_product_table for custom table?
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well, I’m not sure if it’s possible without rewriting core modules
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@U02NPALT127 we cannot modify the OOTB table only the custom tabels need to be named as awn_?
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you can use a custom namespace as it’s stated in https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/guidelines/project-development-guidelines.html#use-custom-namespaces and use
instead ofPyz
Rename it in:$config[KernelConstants::PROJECT_NAMESPACE] = 'Pyz'; $config[KernelConstants::PROJECT_NAMESPACES] = [ 'Pyz', ];
But if you already have the codebase in the
namespace, it should be replaced withAwn
everywhere as well0 -
Is it reflect for all place correct?
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yes, on the project level
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Ok Thanks
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