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Hi Spryker Guys Do anyone have idea about the error like as shown in the attached screenshot, Thank

Hi Spryker Guys
Do anyone have idea about the error like as shown in the attached screenshot, Thank you
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 โ๏ธ - Guardians (admin)
Hey, my first guess is that something with your navigation xml is wrong (config/Zed/navigation.xml) and/or you have a different merge strategy than the demoshops (src/Pyz/Zed/ZedNavigation/ZedNavigationConfig.php) and this is producing some exception.
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Than you Florian for information
We don't have ZedNavigation in src/Pyz directory, it is located at vendor/spryker directory
is this the impact/ cause of the error?0 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 โ๏ธ - Guardians (admin)
No, if you do not have the ZedNavigation module it does not need to be the reasons (but still can). Since version 202009.0 there should be that module in the demoshops. Maybe you updated some parts of the shop and forgot others.
If you do not have the ZedNavigationConfig on project level you likely have the core default setting which is getMergeStrategy() -> FULL_MERGE_STRATEGY which will look for all navigation files in the modules. Likely one of them could be buggy.
try to use the strategy BREADCRUMB_MERGE_STRATEGY to find if this solves your problem.
I guess there is on โnavigation.xmlโ somewhere in your project or in vendor folder not aligned with the keys requested from your screenshot (right side)
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Yes, I am in the upgrade process, for Milestone1 (version 202009.0),
Following Jarvis feature view report for features upgrade, have upgraded 6 features listed for the Milestone1 (Product Labels
Product Relations
Quotation Process
Customer Account Management
Packaging units),
The navigation.xml is located at (config/zed/navigation.xml)0 -
After changing to BREADCRUMB_MERGE_STRATEGY, it shows undefined index for bundle, PFA screenshot
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and navigation xml contains
<category> <label>Category</label> <title>Category</title> <bundle>category-gui</bundle> <controller>list</controller> <action>index</action> <order>0</order> <shortcut>c</shortcut> <icon>fa-sitemap</icon> </category> <cms-gui/> <glossary/> <product> <pages> <AvailabilityGui/> <products/> <attributes/> <product-barcode/> <product-label-gui/> <product-list/> <product_options/> <product_relations/> <reviews/> <sets/> <configurable-bundle-templates/> </pages> </product> <search-and-filters/> <discount/> <navigation/>
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 โ๏ธ - Guardians (admin)
Strange - but still seems to be something not in sync between navigation business logic and navigation.xml files. I can not help you more without deeper debugging. Please get a Spryker expert to assist you with your migration task.
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All right @florian.scholz, will check and once get any will share with you
Thank you so much for your help0
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