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Hi guys, and another issue: On spryker cloud our zed logs are polluted by a failing health-check: ``

Hi guys,
and another issue:
On spryker cloud our zed logs are polluted by a failing health-check:
Zed.CRITICAL: Error - Class 'Orm\Zed\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck\Persistence\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckQuery' not found in "/data/vendor/spryker/publish-and-synchronize-health-check/src/Spryker/Zed/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck/Persistence/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckPersistenceFactory.php::26" { "exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class 'Orm\\Zed\\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck\\Persistence\\PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckQuery' not found at /data/vendor/spryker/publish-and-synchronize-health-check/src/Spryker/Zed/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheck/Persistence/PublishAndSynchronizeHealthCheckPersistenceFactory.php:26)
The same error occurs on local when you try:
The issue seems to be resolved in this class:
But not yet released (although fix June last year).
When can one expect a release here? What are the office way to ask for such a release?
Thanks for letting us know! We are looking into the issue now.
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https://github.com/spryker/publish-and-synchronize-health-check/releases/tag/1.0.1 has been created. It was wrongly skipped in the release at the time, this is now fixed. Thank you for reaching out.
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So I assume here is the place for quick responses 🙂0 -
Such kind of (low level) mistakes shouldn't happen often and are easy enough to verify and rectify. So sure, always good to have feedback here on what we might have missed.
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Only if\when we have some time to react. Otherwise this is not the official support channel (so things may be missed by Spryker employees) and you should go via support requests.
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Yeah obviously this is no big deal if not fixed anytime soon, but still nice to have
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