Hello Team, I was trying to install spryker with docker and I am facing an issue with "docker/sdk b

U04FUE07LM6 Posts: 10 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello Team,

I was trying to install spryker with docker and I am facing an issue with "docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml" this command when I hit this command, never ending process is going on and not getting any error and response too, I also tried with root user the same issue is also coming there.
Then I tried with installing spryker without docker and I followed below documentation

So I started installing the minimum requirements as mentioned in documentation, while installing I am facing below errors
1>When I am trying to install RabbitMQ v3.6+ it not getting installed as we need.
2>When I am trying to install Jenkins, all plugins are not getting installed.
3>Redis installed successfully but in the documentation as it is mentioned ,Redis needs to run on localhost:10009.But when I am trying to run redis on given port number page not getting loaded.

Could someone help me to resolve this issue.


  • U04FUE07LM6
    U04FUE07LM6 Posts: 10 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Hi ,

    Is there any technical support person who can help me on it.
